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- 2008-02-06
Washington (13%)
New York (13%)
Gaza (07%)
London (03%)
Memphis (02%)
Baghdad (02%)
Seattle (02%)
Chicago (02%)
Delhi (02%)
Los Angeles (02%)
Nashville (01%)
Hong Kong (01%)
Beijing (01%)
Paris (01%)
Perth (01%)
Phoenix (01%)
Tokyo (01%)
Miami (01%)
Boston (01%)
Rome (01%)
View Archive (2008)
Associated Locations
London (18%)
Kabul (09%)
Istanbul (05%)
Bangkok (05%)
Edinburgh (05%)
Belgrade (05%)
Brussels (05%)
Barcelona (05%)
Phoenix (05%)
Cairo (05%)
Associated Articles
International He...
Rice calls for more European support in A...
The Guardian
Have novel will travel
New York Times
Rice Tries to Convince Europe on Afghanistan
The Telegraph
Serbia's plans to join the EU are shelved
Afghan row may make NATO two-tiered alliance-Gates