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- 2007-03-18
Baghdad (14%)
Washington (07%)
New York (06%)
Boston (05%)
London (04%)
Gaza (04%)
Beijing (02%)
Harare (02%)
Los Angeles (02%)
Delhi (02%)
San Francisco (02%)
Paris (02%)
Madrid (01%)
Jerusalem (01%)
Sydney (01%)
Chicago (01%)
Melbourne (01%)
Victoria (01%)
Kabul (01%)
Hartford (01%)
View Archive (2007)
Associated Locations
Columbus (22%)
Dublin (11%)
Sacramento (11%)
Georgetown (11%)
Beijing (11%)
Sydney (11%)
Montreal (11%)
Athens (11%)
Associated Articles
The Sydney Morni...
Things go better without Coke, say Bolivi...
Washington Post
No Palace For These Cinderellas
Boston Globe
Russians in sync for another world title