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- 2004-12-09
Baghdad (14%)
Gaza (10%)
Washington (09%)
Pyongyang (06%)
Mosul (06%)
Kyoto (04%)
Tokyo (04%)
Oslo (03%)
Delhi (02%)
London (02%)
New Delhi (02%)
Rome (02%)
Paris (02%)
Manila (02%)
New York (02%)
Milan (02%)
Moscow (02%)
Basra (02%)
Khartoum (01%)
Brussels (01%)
View Archive (2004)
Associated Locations
Roma (15%)
London (15%)
Gaza (15%)
New York (15%)
Washington (15%)
Baghdad (08%)
Tehran (08%)
Manila (08%)
Associated Articles
Melbourne Herald Sun...
-- Zimbabwe okays electoral re...
Melbourne Herald Sun...
-- Sharon wins crucial vote...
Washington Post, DC ...
-- Powell Criticizes Some Euro...
Xinhua, China -
-- We support Kofi Annan: Philippine g...
AZ, AZ -
-- Annan's future at UN remai...
Seattle Post Intelli...
-- UN members give Annan stand...
TheDay, CT -
-- Iraq, Jordan Say Iran Aims To Sway Vot...