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- 2004-05-06
Baghdad (19%)
Gaza (11%)
Washington (06%)
Beijing (05%)
Dubai (04%)
London (03%)
Pyongyang (03%)
Moscow (02%)
Denver (02%)
Tbilisi (02%)
Manila (02%)
Kabul (02%)
New York (02%)
Islamabad (02%)
Karachi (02%)
Athens (02%)
Bangkok (01%)
Seoul (01%)
Brussels (01%)
Roma (01%)
View Archive (2004)
Associated Locations
Ankara (67%)
Portland (11%)
New York (11%)
Istanbul (11%)
Associated Articles
-- Powell Meets With Turkish Cypriot Leader...
(1) -
-- Powell Meets With Turkish Cypriot Lea...
Sarasota Herald-Trib...
-- Powell Meets With Turkish C...
Montgomery County Re...
-- Powell Meets With Turkish C...
Daily Vanguard, OR -
-- Tales of a country torn by con...
Turks.US -
-- Real Europeans: Turkish Cypriots...
San Diego Union Trib...
-- Powell pledges support to s...
Guardian, UK -
-- Powell Meets With Turkish Cypriot Le...
Seattle Post Intelli...
-- Powell meets with Turkish C...