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- 2004-01-21
Baghdad (09%)
Gaza (07%)
Washington (07%)
Paris (05%)
London (04%)
Tel Aviv (04%)
Jerusalem (03%)
Delhi (03%)
Ankara (03%)
New Delhi (03%)
Roma (02%)
New York (02%)
Islamabad (02%)
Riyadh (02%)
Hong Kong (02%)
Moscow (02%)
Istanbul (02%)
Tokyo (01%)
Lagos (01%)
Bergen (01%)
View Archive (2004)
Associated Locations
Beirut (14%)
London (14%)
Baghdad (14%)
Paris (14%)
Toronto (06%)
Washington (06%)
Oslo (06%)
Amman (05%)
Srinagar (05%)
Cairo (05%)
Associated Articles
(2), PA
-- Thousands Protest France Head-S...
Miami Herald, FL
-- Thousands Protest France Head-Scar...
-- Muslims Worldwide Protest French Head S...
-- Reuters World News Highlights 1900 GMT Jan 1...
Atlanta Journal Cons...
-- Health Highlights: Jan. 20,...
-- Study Endorses Intensive Phobia Treatme...
The Globe and Mail, ...
-- France extends ban to banda...
Guardian, UK
-- France Debates Head Scarf Ban in Schoo...
Miami Herald, FL
-- France Debates Head Scarf Ban in S...
Times Daily, AL
-- France Debates Head Scarf Ban in Sc...
Atlanta Journal Cons...
-- France Debates Head Scarf B...
International Herald...
-- Museum compromises on contr...
South Australia Adve...
-- 10000 march for religion...